Small request for my loyal readers

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Your faithful writer,
Dr. Daniel Smith

Hello to my dear Daily Concept readers,

I had a fantastic weekend with friends and family in Saratoga Springs.

On Saturday I played in the annual Saratoga Rugby Tournament with my twin brother. I’ve been playing in this tournament since 2015, but it was my brother’s first time.

Here’s a picture of us after a day of rugby and fun times with friends old and new:

Me (on the right) and my twin brother.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming: The Daily Concept just surpassed 1,900 subscribers this weekend!

August 1st will be the first birthday of the Daily Concept, so I have set 2,000 subscribers by August as a personal goal.

To get there, I will need some help. I have two small asks:

(1) Reply to this email with your feedback on the Daily Concept

It helps me tremendously to hear from readers about what they like (and dislike) about the Daily Concept.

If you can, please take a minute or two to reply to this email and tell me what you enjoy about the newsletter and what you’d like to see more of.

I will reply to every message and would love to hear from you, even if we’ve never spoken before.

Connecting with my readers is one of the best parts of writing this newsletter, so please feel free to reach out.

(2) Share the Daily Concept with a friend who would enjoy it

If you have any friends who you think would enjoy reading the Daily Concept, forward the next newsletter to them and ask them to subscribe.

Word-of-mouth is the best way for me to grow my audience, and I really appreciate when my readers get their friends to sign up for the Concept!

Here’s another picture from this weekend. My grandfather, John McMahon, along with my brother and I.

As always, thank you for reading. Expect a normal Concept in your inbox on Wednesday.


Ascent of the Blessed by Hieronymus Bosch. 1505-1515.

Thank you for reading. Please reply to this email if you have any thoughts or feedback.
